Sometimes my kids are full of shit. Like, actual shit. And no matter how much they
grunt, push, and wiggle their little toddler hips, they just can’t seem to
shake it out.
I know I’m in for trouble when little Ollie starts
rocking on his heels, his hips jutting back and forth sporadically like a mini
Danny Zuko with a lego up his ass, moaning “Diiiiiinky.”
Surely I can’t be the only mom with an occasionally
anal-retentive toddler. (Can I get an “Amen!”? Or possibly a tot-sized enema?)
When your kid is constipated, everyone suffers. And by
everyone, I mean you. Not only is it painful to see your child grimacing and
writhing around because he can’t get his shit together, but his uncooperative
excretory system becomes the center of your entire day. If his bowels don’t
move, no one moves.
Have to go to the store? You can’t. He’s trying to poop.
Want to sneak off to take a quick shower? Sorry, he’s just about to poop. Need
to make a phone call? Good luck hearing anything over your kid shrieking about
how much he needs to poop.
The thing that sucks most about all this is that when your
kid’s still in diapers, you’re the one having to constantly
check, change, and chuck them. You are the Maid of Mudpies, the Queen of Caca,
the Disposer of Doo-Doo.
Unfortunately, constipation typically doesn’t end with one
singularly disgusting blow-out. It resolves itself in stages. Here are five diapers
you can expect to encounter once your backed-up kid finally gets the shit show
1. The “Gotcha” Diaper. Sometimes the
putridly sweet, telltale scent of banana-and-fishy-cracker-infested crap hits
your nose, and you’re certain that your kid has finally taken a dump. He
even insists that he pooped. Relieved that the defecation drama is finally over, you grab the wipes and a clean diaper, and pray
to find a nicely formed, bowel-baked keester cake resting beneath his buttocks.
And now your kid’s uncomfortable squirming is even more
troublesome, as it is preventing you from putting said diaper back on.
2. The Tick Turd
Diaper. When your kid’s been constipated for a while, the first fecal
matter he starts shedding is this itsy bitsy teenie weenie hella-not-a-lot
shitini*. We’re talking so small, it doesn’t even warrant the term “pellets.”
*This would actually make a pretty catchy parody.
*This would actually make a pretty catchy parody.
Have you ever tried to kill a tick? It’s nearly impossible.
Their outer shells are ridiculously hard (also, coincidentally, brown). Ticks
have a tendency to latch on to things, or hide in little crevices and hard-to-reach
skin folds. Sometimes you find them lurking in your hair or on your clothing
hours after you thought you’d rid yourself of them. They’re also tiny. Very.
Freaking. Tiny.
Imagine a diaper filled with copious amounts of ticks that
smell like they bathed in hydrogen sulfide. Now imagine changing that diaper
while your kid is flailing his legs about like a ballerina with tourettes, effectively hurling them onto every surface within a three foot radius, where they'll inevitably latch and burrow in.
3. The Skid Mark.
This happens when your kid is prairie doggin’ it. That poop is like a little shitterfly
that just can’t quite burst from its anal cocoon: It emerges and retreats
repeatedly, leaving a tiny trail of brown (sometimes green—or, if you’re kid’s
got hemorrhoids—a little red) behind as evidence of its escape efforts. This
one's a fairly easy cleanup.
(Let’s be honest: “The Skid” is not exclusive to kids. We moms do a lot of laundry. We see things.)
(Let’s be honest: “The Skid” is not exclusive to kids. We moms do a lot of laundry. We see things.)
4. The Cocoa Powder Diaper. Before your kid
finally poops, he will sometimes manage a little “squirt.” The problem with
the squirt is that it’s hard to catch right away. Your child usually doesn’t
even notice that it’s happening, as it tends to eek out during a sneeze, a
cough, or the hysterical laughter that always accompanies a kid’s fart. If you
don’t catch a squirt in its original consistency, it dries into a disgusting
powdery substance that gets trapped in all of your kid’s nooks and crannies.
Often, if you even manage to get at it with a baby wipe, all
you end up doing is spreading it. If you’ve ever spilled cocoa powder while
baking and tried to wipe it up with a sponge, you know what I’m talking about.
It stains everything it touches, and sometimes you accidentally inhale some of
the particles that are sent airborne during your cleaning efforts.
Don’t be surprised if you’re sneezing out shit for a day or
two. (Ahh….ahhh….ahpoo!)
*Note that poop found in the "Cocoa Powder Diaper" kinda looks like brown crack.
Apropos, considering its source of origin.
After dealing with a constipated kid all day, you’ll probably
want to get shitfaced. Just not that way.
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